Reminding that zip files inside plugins folder will not be loaded. Extracting the plugin as a folder, is a step closer, however that will not load as well, you need DevTools.
No shoot that it doesn't load. Online compilers covert zip files to .phar in a different way that DevTools does. 1. Get DevTools 2. Run /makeplugin [plugin name] 3. Go to plugin_data directory -> DevTools 4. Find your plugin that was converted into .phar 5. Download and reupload to plugins directory Or, Do what @Primus did
Then how come it's not working this time? Just try other ways. Jesus No one will help you unless you try the ways that others provide. If you would like to stick with your solution, go ahead. I won't stop you.
Just fyi, it's not compiling, it just takes all the files and compresses them into one file, similar to a zip file
No i used DevTools and have the Plugin folder in the plugins folder. Now ist loads but with this crashdump: PocketMine-MP Crash Dump Fri Mar 19 22:04:09 GMT 2021 Error: Declaration of JoinLeave\Main:nCommand(pocketmine\command\CommandSender $sender, pocketmine\command\Command $cmd, string $label, array $args, pocketmine\Player $player): bool must be compatible with pocketmine\plugin\PluginBase:nCommand(pocketmine\command\CommandSender $sender, pocketmine\command\Command $command, string $label, array $args): bool File: plugins/JoinLeave-1.1.0/src/JoinLeave/Main Line: 33 Type: E_COMPILE_ERROR THIS CRASH WAS CAUSED BY A PLUGIN Code: [24] $event->setJoinMessage(""); [25] } [26] [27] public function onPlayerQuit(PlayerQuitEvent $event) [28] { [29] $player = $event->getPlayer(); [30] $event->setQuitMessage(""); [31] } [32] [33] public function onCommand(CommandSender $sender, Command $cmd, string $label, array $args, Player $player):bool [34] { [35] if($cmd->getName() === "tjl") [36] { [37] if($sender->hasPermission("JoinLeaveTest.cmd")) [38] { [39] $sender->sendMessage("JoinLeave ist Aktiv!"); [40] } [41] } [42] } [43] Backtrace: PocketMine-MP version: 3.18.0 [Protocol 428] Git commit: 3f6490626319152dca07a5c61a1e94f8d5793d56 uname -a: Windows NT LAPTOP-ASN2539Q 10.0 build 18363 (Windows 10) AMD64 PHP Version: 7.4.15 Zend version: 3.4.0 OS : WINNT, win Composer libraries: - adhocore/json-comment 0.1.0@8448076039389f558f39ad0553aab87db3f81614 - daverandom/callback-validator unknown@unknown - pocketmine/binaryutils 0.1.13@0abee38d4e2861621f262c79a2a3d699d8a697f4 - pocketmine/callback-validator 1.0.3@64787469766bcaa7e5885242e85c23c25e8c55a2 - pocketmine/classloader 0.1.2@9757928424652393b178a3760073113aa7c9911b - pocketmine/log 0.2.1@830b44a2cf96ef703c550abe64302f230231ca49 - pocketmine/log-pthreads 0.1.3@e477ecf6ec214fdd4415ea1da3fdd9d73bf699ea - pocketmine/math 0.2.6@43057cb8c179a9859677b496a788db922fd5cfc3 - pocketmine/nbt 0.2.18@9f82ca4d7f97fcd9a566e44b63c4f18a7657ae82 - pocketmine/pocketmine-mp 3.18.0@3f6490626319152dca07a5c61a1e94f8d5793d56 - pocketmine/raklib 0.12.11@9cce458b8bfde3e4dfdbf70c659fc7b7fe26b5c4 - pocketmine/snooze 0.1.5@70b5e7937a06878dd321a3182ceb76d56298f2cd - pocketmine/spl 0.4.2@6b08b7cf8c4afa17139c9a1b3bf1b408531de161 Loaded plugins: DevTools 1.13.0 by PocketMine Team for API(s) 3.0.0 Please help me? -GeistFan
Is this your plugin, or you hired awful dev? Anyways, the code you provided has incorrect declaration of onCommand method. I'm at this point just reciting the error message, but in my defence it's self-explanatory message. If you take a look at your method and the one you're overriding, you'll see a big mismatch in parameter types.
What's the difference between onCommand(pocketmine\command\CommandSender $sender, pocketmine\command\Command $cmd, string $label, array $args, pocketmine\Player $player): bool and onCommand(pocketmine\command\CommandSender $sender, pocketmine\command\Command $command, string $label, array $args): bool