Every 10 sec it spam this or my labtop [08:16:49] [Server thread/CRITICAL]: Could not execute task jasonwynn10\TimeTask: yaml_parse(): end of stream reached without finding document 0 [08:16:49] [Server thread/CRITICAL]: ErrorException: "yaml_parse(): end of stream reached without finding document 0" (EXCEPTION) in "/src/pocketmine/utils/Config" at line 143 how do i fix this
Ok I give you a list of plugins I have. some of these my friends upgraded the api for [01:49:01] [Server thread/INFO]: Plugins (141): 1vs1 v0.0.5, AdminFun v1.0.0, AdminJoin v1.3.1, AdvertisingKick v1.0.0, Alias v1.2.0, AlwaysSpawn v2.2.2, AntiServerStop v1.1, AntiSpamPro v1.2, BadAdmin v0.0.2, BamBam v1, BanClientId v0.1.0, BanItem v2.3b, BanSystem v1.0.3, BanWarn v1.2.0, BlockLogger v1.0.0, BlockSniper v1.2.0, BloodFX v1.1.0, BreakReplace v1.0.3, BuyCraft v1.2.2, BuyXP v1.0.0, CalculatorPE v1.0.0, ChatCensor v1.4, ChatClearer v1.0.3, ChatDefender v1.1.1, ChatToolsPro v1.1, ChestRefill v1.0.1, ChestSort v0.1.0, ChunkLoaders v0.1.0, ClearLagg v1.1.0, CmdSnooper v1.2.0, CodeRed v1.0.0, CombatLogger v1.2.0, CommandShop v1.0.0, CommandSigns v2, CommandTracker v1.1, coords v1.0.1, CreativeItemsPlus v1.0.2, CreeperExplode v1, Dimensions v1, DisguiseMe v1.1, EasyCommand v3, EconomyAPI v2.0.9, EconomyAuction v2.0.2, EconomyLand v2.0.9, EconomyPShop v2.0.2, EconomySell v2.0.7, EconomyShop v2.0.7, EconomyUsury v1.0.1, EntityKiller v1.0.1, EPCooldown v1.0.0, essentialsTP v1.1.0, ExplosiveArrows v0.0.2, FactionsPro v1.3.9, FairTrades v1.0.1, Feed v1.0.0, FireBall v1.0.0, FireBlade v1.0.2, Fireworks v1.2.0, Gills v2.0.0, GodMode v2.4, HealthStats v1.1.1, HNT v0.0.1, HungerGames vBuild#16, iControlU v1.3, InfiniteSlots v1, InvSee v0.0.1, IPLogger v1.3, iProtector v3.1b, iSoftCrates v0.1, ItemCasePE v1.1.0, itemID_DoDo v1.1.0, ItemInventory v1.3, JellyLegs v1.1, JoinQuit-Mute v1.0.2, KillCounter v0.1.1, LeetBorder v1.0.0, LightningStick v1, LimitedCreative v1.0.0, LiveXYZ v0.6.0.1-beta, MagicServer v1.0.1, MegaBan v1.2.2, MineReset v2.1, MoreCommands v1.1.4, MSpawns v1.5, NoAdvertisingPE v1.0.1, NoTell v1.1, NoTP v1.0.5, Oplist v1.0.2, ParticlesPlus v0.0.2, PeacefulSpawn v2.5, PerWorldInventory v1.0.0, UnlimitedSlots v1.0.0, PiggyAntiCheats v1.0.0, PlanB v1.3.0, PlayerBio v1.0.0, PocketDockConsole v0.0.14, DevTools v1.11.2, PurePerms v1.4_INDEV, PvPLevels v1.0, RandomEnchant v2, RandomItem v4.3, RandomWand v0.1.0, Rating v0.1.0, RealMute v3.4.0-pre2, RealTime v2.1.1, RealVanish v1, ReasonWL v2, RecipePro v2, RolePlay v1.0.8, SAC v3.2.2, ServerChannels v1.2, ServerInformation v1.0.0, ServerLoveMCPE v3.2.1, ServerMail v0.0.2, ServerManager v1.3.1, SignModifier v1.0.0, SignPortal v1.1.2, SimpleAuth v1.8.1, SimpleMacros v1.1.0, Spacefiller v1.001, StaffChat v1.0.0, StaffList v3, TimerBan v2.1, ToolsPE v1, TouchHome v2, TrollPE v1.2, UrbanDictionary v1.1.1, vFly v1.0.0, VIPCommands v1.0dev, VPNGuard v1.0.5.1, WearArmorFast v1.0.0, WorldEdit v3.2, WorldProtect v2.3.2, WorldShift v1.1.2, YourCraftPortals v0.0.1, TapToDo v2.2.1, EconomyAirport v2.0.4, MyPlot v1.1.3, PureChat v1.4BETA, RankUp v0.3.1, VanishNP v1.0.0
I dont see the issues of having 1k plugins but the error does tell you about "jasonwynn10\TimeTask" so either try removing everything of that author and slowly test them one by one to isolate the cause