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Modal Form

Discussion in 'Help' started by DiamondGamer30, Jun 6, 2018.

  1. DiamondGamer30

    DiamondGamer30 Baby Zombie

    Can someone help me with ModalForms? I tried to implement forms-api (created by pmmp) into the pocketmine source but it wouldn't work. I don't think I'm doing anything wrong. I added the functions to the Player class, I added the form folder, I also modified handleModalFormResponse() in PlayerNetworkSessionAdapter. I also tried to add it as a plugin but the form would never send and there would be no console errors. What could I possibly be doing wrong, can anyone name possible errors? If you are wondering why I am doing this, it is because I find it the most easiest to use and pmmp would probably never implement this lol (or take ages).
  2. SOFe

    SOFe Administrator Staff Member PMMP Team Poggit Admin

    You have about 10000 possible errors. Try narrowing it.
    dktapps likes this.
  3. DiamondGamer30

    DiamondGamer30 Baby Zombie

    I honestly can't find any errors, the formData part seems fine, sending the packet seems fine too. I'm not sure if I'm doing anything wrong with handling the response. I had took the formapi from the pmmp branch, so any other functions you are looking for, you'll be able to find there.

    public function onDataPacketReceive(DataPacketReceiveEvent $event) {
    $packet $event->getPacket();
    /** @var CorePlayer $player */
    $player $event->getPlayer();
    $packet instanceof ModalFormResponsePacket) {
    $id $packet->formId;
    $data json_decode($packet->formData);
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