On my server, the players have many mobspawners on their plot me and this has really been a very big problem, I have suffered with lag's and with fps drop on the client side. I wanted to know if there is any way to remove the particles from MobSpawner, because I think that's the reason for the lag, thank you.
PMMP doesn't have mobspawners. But you can register mob spawners. Particles shouldn't be an issue unless there are at least 70 mob spawners in one chunk, for which you can limit it on BlockPlaceEvent, or just get over it and get a new device. PHP: /** @var BlockPlaceEvent $event */$block = $event->getBlock();$chunk = $block->getLevel()->geChunk($block->x >> 4, $block->z >> 4);$spawnersInChunk = 0;foreach($chunk->getTiles() as $tile){ if($tile->namedtag["id"] == "MobSpawner"){ if(++$spawnersInChunk = 70){ //Too many mob spawners in one chunk. /*$block = $tile->getBlock(); $block->getLevel()->setBlockIdAt($block->x, $block->y, $block->z, Block::AIR); $tile->close();*/ $event->setCancelled(); break; } }} Of course, 70 is not a magic number. This would differ based on your game settings and device.