Hi, does anyone knows the proper nbt format for MobSpawners? I've tried Code: SpawnPotentials (List) -> Entity (Compound) -> id (String) and Code: SpawnData (Compound) -> id (string) but none works (The animation), Any help is appreciated.
Do not reply if you can't help or solve the issue, I'm implementing MobSpawners, that's why asking, so be sure to not reply "non-sense" thing. (Yes I know Mob Spawners aren't implemented in pmmp, but why did I created this thread? Of course I had some nbt problems while implementing MobSpawners myself, btw, everything works fine except animation)
Alright, well the proper nbt data for spawners would be: PHP: new CompoundTag("", [ new StringTag("id", Tile::MOB_SPAWNER), new IntTag("x", $block->x), new IntTag("y", $block->y), new IntTag("z", $block->z), new IntTag("EntityId", 0), ]);
Well, it works for the plugin, so I'd say you're doing something wrong in translating it to work with your own code