Need someone to make a NoMelt plugin (similar to NoDecay, except it stops ice from melting) No commands, just a plugin thats enabled when the server turns on, and prevents ice from melting in any way.
Add the ice blocks id to this setting: e.g. Code: disable-block-ticking: - 79
Code: 2019-05-05 [20:26:50] [Server thread/INFO]: Loading pocketmine.yml... 2019-05-05 [20:26:50] [Server thread/CRITICAL]: ErrorException: "yaml_parse(): parsing error encountered during parsing: did not find expected key (line 129, column 2), context while parsing a block mapping (line 6, column 1)" (EXCEPTION) in "src/pocketmine/utils/Config" at line 181 Cant post the rest, its too long @Edwardthedog2
If you've copy-pasted the yaml entry, you'll probably miss an additional blank at the beginning of the line. So in front of the dash needs to be two blanks, I hope you can see what I mean: Also don't forget another blank after the dash. If it doesn't help, please post your pocketmine.yml.
@SleepSpace9 thanks!! That seems to work (didn't send an error on loading), I'll test the ice melting but i think this gixed it. EDIT: Yea it stops Ice from melting. Next question: would adding in Fire (51:0) stop it from spreading? EDIT 2: Apparently adding in 51 does not stop fire. Is there some way to stop fire spreading?
This thing was working long time ago.
@Primus so Code: public function blockFireSpreadEvent(BlockSpreadEvent $event) { if ($event->getBlock()->getId() === Block::FIRE) { $this->blockFireSpread($event->getBlock(), $event); } } public function blockFireSpread(Block $block, Cancellable $event) { $event->setCancelled(true); would work? (just a snippet from what ive typed up to merge NoDecay with NoBurn)
@Primus no it didn't, I've never actually tried to fix it, just ended up using Netherrack instead of wool, and making sure nothing flammable is near the candelabras Probably should work on it more today and see if it can work as a separate stand-alone Plugin