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Knockback issue

Discussion in 'Development' started by SomeServerOwner, May 13, 2021.

  1. SomeServerOwner

    SomeServerOwner Spider Jockey

    Instead of only the combo warp having altered kb, all of the warps have kb lower than the default kb. What is the issue with the code?


    namespace RRdescry\VaserPractice\Managers\ArenaManager\Modules\FFA;

    use pocketmine\event\entity\EntityDamageByEntityEvent;
    use pocketmine\event\entity\EntityDamageEvent;
    use pocketmine\event\Listener;
    use pocketmine\math\Vector3;
    use pocketmine\Player;
    use RRdescry\VaserPractice\Main;

    class FFAListener implements Listener
    public function onAttackEntity(EntityDamageEvent $event): void {
    $entity = $event->getEntity();
    if($entity instanceof Player){
    if(Main::$instance->playerManager->players[$entity->getName()]["InArena"][0] == true){
    $arena = Main::$instance->playerManager->players[$entity->getName()]["InArena"][0];
    if($arena instanceof FFAArena && $arena->name == "Combo"){
    if($event instanceof EntityDamageByEntityEvent){
    if($entity->distance(new Vector3($entity->getFloorX(), $entity->getFloorY(), $entity->getFloorZ())) < 5){
    $event->setKnockBack($event->getKnockBack() * 1);
  2. minijaham

    minijaham Skeleton

    Have a check for the world, not whatever
    $arena Main::$instance->playerManager->players[$entity->getName()]["InArena"][0];
    $arena instanceof FFAArena && $arena->name == "Combo"){
    this is, because whatever it's supposed to do, clearly it's not working.
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