```if ($item->getName() == "BRUH"){ if ($player->hasPermission("kit.youtube")){ if(!isset($this->cooldown[$player->getName()])) $this->cooldown[$player->getName()] = 0; if($this->cooldown[$player->getName()] <= time()){ //use $this->cooldown[$player->getName()] = time() + 7200; $item = \pocketmine\item\Item::get(54, 0, 1); $item->setCustomName(C::BOLD . "Kit " . C::WHITE . "You" . C::RED . "Tube "); $item->setLore(["Place to activate"]); $player->getInventory()->addItem($item); $player->sendMessage("[You" . C::RED . "Tube" . C::WHITE . " Kit]" . C::GREEN . " Your Youtube kit has arrived!"); $player->getLevel()->addSound(new AnvilUseSound(new Vector3($player->getX(), $player->getY(), $player->getZ()))); } else { $player->sendMessage(C::RED . "You cant use this kit now!"); $player->getLevel()->addSound(new AnvilFallSound(new Vector3($player->getX(), $player->getY(), $player->getZ()))); $this->openFreeKits($player); } }else{ $player->sendMessage("[You" . C::RED . "Tube" . C::WHITE . " Kit]" . C::RED . " You dont have permission to use this kit."); $player->getLevel()->addSound(new AnvilFallSound(new Vector3($player->getX(), $player->getY(), $player->getZ()))); $this->openFreeKits($player); } }``` I want every time I use a kit once thethe second time it will give me a message like "You can use the kit in" . "$timeleft" So I can get the time left... the current code now is You cant use this kit now!