at Line 81 Code: public function onDeath(PlayerDeathEvent $ev){ $ev->setKeepInventory(true); }
KeepInventory has been broken for a long time. Depending on what you need exactly you should try the "Save Survival Inventory" feature in WorldProtect ; just add Code: gm-save-inv: true to the WorldProtect config.yml and restart. It saves survival inventory to players .dat files whenever they change gamemode or die, so they always keep their survival inventory, even if in creative mode when they leave or when the server restarts.
This Error: 2018-06-02 [09:45:22] [Server thread/CRITICAL]: Could not execute task aliuly\worldprotect\common\PluginCallbackTask: Dynamic field access on pocketmine\nbt\tag\CompoundTag is no longer supported 2018-06-02 [09:45:22] [Server thread/CRITICAL]: RuntimeException: "Dynamic field access on pocketmine\nbt\tag\CompoundTag is no longer supported" (EXCEPTION) in "vendor/pocketmine/nbt/src/tag/NoDynamicFieldsTrait" at line 29 Plz Help Me How To Fix
Update to the latest dev version Edit: I've updated the WorldProtect ALPHA12 release on Poggit (2.3.5-10)
Can you test with the latest dev build, v2.3.5-11? Please note this is for recent ALPHA12 only - it won't work with all builds of PMMP 3.0.0-ALPHA12, including the tagged pre-release. Updated: I've added a branch called "ALPHA12_Tagged" for those not on cutting-edge PMMP builds, which is advisable. This should work with PocketMine-MP 1.7dev-1001 with API 3.0.0-ALPHA12: