So, I did a bit of work on a server, and now the plugins that are .phars are doing this: and this, but the second one is here for no apparent reason... Still not sure what I did to cause this. It stumped me.
It's impossible to see what's going on there, you should copy /paste the console output into a spoiler (click the + in the menu bar), and include detailed information such as your version of PHP, how you installed pocketmine, which version etc
I just noticed that you use a plugin to force pocketmine to accept outdated plugins. That is a recipe for disaster... Update your plugins instead.
This is nothing to do with incompatible API versions, it's because your server process doesn't have the required permissions to write temporary files for decompressing the phar. I'm not sure how this can be fixed, but using non-compressed phars should work fine. DevTools Poggit builds have compression disabled for this reason.