Hello, How can I do that if I place a gold block then spawn on the block of gold ingots! Sorry for my English!
sorry not everyone here gives code but for starter you create a repeating task, the task should have a function to add and remove gold spots and on each tick it will spawn a gold on the spot then you register a listener for a gold block placed when you hear a gold block is placed you tell the task to also spawn a gold on the new position to prevent abuse, if you hear a gold block broken, you tell the ask to stop spawning in said position you are done, that's all the instructio you needed pity it's not in PHP but in english
You can use another way: PHP: //use pocketmine\item\Item;//use pocketmine\tile\Sign;//use pocketmine\math\Vector3;$level = $this->getServer()->getLevelByName("world");$tiles = $level->getTiles();foreach($tiles as $t){ if($t instanceof Sign){ $text = $t->getText(); if($text[0] == "GOLD"){ $level->dropItem(new Vector3($t->x, $t->y + 2, $t->z), Item::get(id, meta, count)); } }} place sign under Gold block and write in line 1 GOLD