Hello, I was having issues with PurePerms on my server, and I wanted to see if anybody could help me. I have PurePerms Set up on my server, I have setup the groups, prefixes (with PureChat) and other permissions that I wanted, however I tried giving my Moderators the fly permission (EssentialsPE) but it is not letting them use it because they do not have OP. can someone help me? Reply if you need anymore information about the server.
let me guess... i suspect either miss configuration of pureperm OR essetialsPE does not recognize the permission somehow could you: upload your config of pure perm using [code]config here[/code] give us info on where you downloaded it
Here is the config.yml file in the PurePerms folder Code: --- data-provider: yamlv1 default-language: en disable-op: true enable-multiworld-perms: true enable-noeul-sixtyfour: false mysql-settings: host: PurePerms-FTW.loveyou.all port: 3306 user: YourUsernameGoesHere password: YourPasswordGoesHere db: YourDBNameGoesHere noeul-minimum-pw-length: 6 superadmin-ranks: - Owner - OP ... I setup both permissions for them. I got the permission node list here https://github.com/LegendOfMCPE/EssentialsPE/wiki/Permission-Nodes
Here is the groups.yml Code: --- Member: isDefault: true inheritance: [] prefix: '&f[Member&f] ' permissions: - -pocketmine.command.me - essentials.afk - essentials.balence - essentials.getpos - essentials.info - essentials.kits.survival - essentials.mail - essentials.mail.send - essentials.motd - essentials.msg.* - essentials.pay - essentials.pay.multiple - essentials.rules - essentials.sell - essentials.suicide - essentials.tpa - essentials.tpaaccept - essentials.tpadeny - essentials.tpahere - essentials.tpahereaccept - essentials.tpaheredeny - essentials.warp.spawn - pocketmine.command.list worlds: world: isDefault: true permissions: [] Mod: isDefault: false inheritance: Member prefix: '&f[&b&fMod&f] ' permissions: - essentials.balence.* - essentials.book.* - essentials.enderchest.* - essentials.fly - essentials.getpos.* - essentials.kick - essentials.mail.sendall - essentials.nick.* - essentials.realname - essentials.top - essentials.tpo - essentials.tpohere - essentials.whois worlds: world: isDefault: false permissions: [] Admin: isDefault: false inheritance: Mod prefix: '&f[&a&fAdmin&f] ' permissions: - '*' - -essentials.vanish - -pocketmine.command.gamemode.* - -pocketmine.command.stop - essentials.feed - essentials.heal - essentials.sudo.exempt worlds: world: isDefault: false permissions: [] Owner: isDefault: false inheritance: Admin prefix: '&f[&4&fOwner&f] ' permissions: - '*' - essentials.* worlds: world: isDefault: false permissions: [] ...
Hmm, "prefix"? My version doesn't have it... PHP: ---Tester: alias: "" isDefault: false inheritance: [] permissions: - -wp.cmd.all - bancid - blockcommands.manage - essentialclearinv - essentialipfind - essentiallocfinder - essentialmonitor - essentialops - essentialpos - kit.command - nick.command.admin - pocketmine.command.ban - wp.cmd.all worlds: []Guest: alias: "" isDefault: true inheritance: [] permissions: - pocketmine.command.gamemode - pocketmine.command.time worlds: []...
I do too, it didnt add any new "prefix". Very odd. I'm using the latest version from https://github.com/PurePlugins/PurePerms
tempted to say maybe caused by the modded pureperm, but lets not do the bullet spraying, keep that for the last also with a Admin rank while without OP, can they use /fly
I just took off PurePerms, and PureChat then reinstalled them and re set them up, and now its working Yay