@Awzaw Hi, I used latest PMMP and iProtector ALPHA9 https://jenkins.pmmp.io/job/PocketM...-MP_1.7dev-126_edd0189d_API-3.0.0-ALPHA9.phar https://poggit.pmmp.io/r/12895/iProtector_dev-4.phar I can't use /area here command =)unknow command It was ok with iProtector-v4.0 by kenygamer on ALPHA8 is it an issue plugin or poggit version do not permit /area here command ? sorry for my bad english
the issue is that poggit and keny forks are distinct and has their own features as the here command probs has been added in their own fork
@Thunder33345 but same command on poggit plugin and do not work iprotector.command.area.list: description: "Allows access to the iProtector list subcommand." How to open an issue, there is no button to open an issue ? https://github.com/poggit-orphanage/iProtector thanks
@Awzaw thank you to take a look ASAP on area list command I'll confirm that no button to create an issue on my desktop I can create an issue for Neon or Parkour plugin, but not for iProtector
/area list works fine for me - for /area here try the latest build: https://poggit.pmmp.io/ci/poggit-orphanage/iProtector/~