Hello! Ive been trying to do this for a while now and havent got it working, can anyone explain what i need to do here and what files i need for it? i installed pocketmine.phar and pocketmine.phar.conf but it just gives me this error PHP: 21.01 16:32:56 [Server] INFO Executable '/jar/pocketmine/bin/php7/bin/php' not found: No such file or directory even tho i have those files added. Any help is appreciated
Maybe try getting the PHP binaries manully? You can get the Linux binaries from the Jenkins and the Windows binaries from AppVeyor.
The path to your php binary, which you set in the phar.conf file, doesn't look right... Unless your jar directory is really at the root of your file system?
Very easy. Multicraft is not made for PocketMine. You will encounter a lot of errors and many things to do on your own, such as the RAM or the CPU usage which cannot be limited. Source: The experience of many hosting providers, including me.