I am trying to install PMMP to the CentOS official container. When I do so, I get errors saying it should not be done by root: [root@fe49c938ed61 PocketMine-MP]# curl -sL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pmmp/php-build-scripts/master/installer.sh | bash -s - This script is running as root, this is discouraged. It is recommended to run it as a normal user as it doesn't need further permissions. If you want to run it as root, add the -r flag. [root@fe49c938ed61 PocketMine-MP]# If I create a user account and try it again, I get the the following: [crawford@fe49c938ed61 ~]$ curl -sL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pmmp/php-build-scripts/master/installer.sh | bash -s - [!] Couldn't download version automatically from Jenkins server [crawford@fe49c938ed61 ~]$ This is the same thing I get if I download the install script and fire it with a '-r' to subvert the root-user warnings... doing the same thing on a CentOS Bentos box I commonly use works fine... are there some prerequisites missing in the CentOS docker container? Thanks!
It looks like you're trying to use the installation command in the PocketMine docs, which no longer works. Try this command instead: Code: wget -q -O - https://get.pmmp.io | bash -s -