Hi, I am using a host that usally host PC Servers which work perfectly well but it has support for Pocketmine (mcpe ver 0.13) which is outdated. I am trying to install the new Phar file put it says in console. I know this is proberly the host's fault but if anyone had any knowledge on this. Console error: 29.05 02:31:32 [Multicraft] Server stopped 29.05 02:31:32 [Multicraft] Received stop command 29.05 02:31:19 [Server] INFO /run.sh: line 31: 10718 Killed /monitor.sh "$PID" "$USER" 29.05 02:31:18 [Server] INFO Error: Invalid or corrupt jarfile /jar/PocketMine-MP.phar 29.05 02:31:18 [Server] INFO /usr/bin/java $VARS $@ 29.05 02:31:18 [Multicraft] Loaded config for "Default" 29.05 02:31:18 [Multicraft] Starting server! 29.05 02:31:18 [Multicraft] Loading server properties 29.05 02:31:18 [Multicraft] Received start command Edit: I'm sorry if this is in the wrong section i am new to this new forums
To run pocketmine in multicraft you need a phar file and a phar.conf file with the same name, both in the 'jar' directory which is usually at the root of the multicraft installation - if not, hopefully your host has configured this to give you access to a different jar folder that you can use - and the pocketmine PHP7 binaries. Here's an example .phar.conf for you, and don't forget to fill in the path to the PHP7 binary in the 'start' section. Spoiler: PocketMine-MP.phar.conf Code: [config] name = PocketMine-MP source = https://cdn.pocketmine.net/api/update-stable.phar configSource = https://cdn.pocketmine.net/multicraft/pocketmine.phar.conf [start] command = "/pathto/php" "{JAR}" --memory-limit={MAX_MEMORY}M --disable-ansi --no-wizard --data={SERVER_DIR} --plugins={SERVER_DIR}/plugins --level-name={WORLD} --server-ip={IP} --server-port={PORT} --max-players={MAX_PLAYERS} ## Plugin configuration [plugins] pluginDir = plugins pluginMatch = \.(phar|zip)$ ## Encoding used for strings sent to and received from the server [encoding] ## The encoding to use to send data to the Minecraft process ## Use "system" for your current locale. ## default: system encode = system ## The encoding to use to decode data received from the Minecraft process ## Use "system" for your current locale. ## default: system decode = system ## The encoding used when reading/writing configuration files such as ## the server.properties ## default: latin-1 fileEncoding = latin-1 [settings] ## Restart the server when it doesn't respond to pings anymore #restartOnTimeout = True ## The server log file #logFile = server.log ## Ignore console output and parse log file instead #followLog = False ## Only used if followLog is true, the interval in milliseconds at ## which to check the log file for new content #logCheckInterval = 500 ## Rotate the log every X bytes #logRotateSize = ## Use special method to rotate log, use this if normal rename rotation doesn't work #logPersistent = False ## Maximum number of logs to keep #logBackupCount = 5 ## Advanced: Read at most X bytes from the file at a time #logMaxRead = 4096 ## Check every X milliseconds if the log needs to be rotated #logRotateCheckInterval = 20000 ## Print every line received from the server #debugRawLine = False ## Print every line after cleanup #debugCleanLine = False ## Print every line after the first parse pass #debugParseLine = False ## Use the Multicraft launcher to wrap the gameserver (simulates a real command line) #useLauncher = False ## Assume Minecraft is still running override (0: Known console output, 1: "List" command output, 2: Any console output) #pongMode = 0 ## Minecraft response timeout override (milliseconds) #pingTimeout = 20000 ## Minecraft pint interval override (milliseconds) #pingInterval = 15000 ## Minecraft crash restart delay overrice (milliseconds) #crashRestartDelay = 2000 ## Console output rate limit override #rateLimit = 30 ## Autosave interval overrice (milliseconds) #saveInterval = 600000 ## Player info save method override (0: Never Save, 1: Update Existing, 2: Always Save) #savePlayerInfo = 1 ## Print server setting information #debugSettings = False ## Restart the server after a crash or unexpected exit #restartOnCrash = False ## Print line parser information #debugParse = False ## Command remapping [commands] say = say list = list save-on = save-on save-off = save-off save-all = save-all stop = stop tell = tell give = give tp = tp deop = deop op = op pardon-ip = pardon-ip ban-ip = ban-ip pardon = pardon ban = ban kick = kick help = help ## Console output parsing can be completely customized to support ## any format (and theoretically any game). Please contact us if you require this. [parse_log] start=^(?P<time>(:?[-\d]+ )?\[?[:\d]+\]?)\s+\[(?P<type>[^]]+)\]\:?\s+(:?\[[^]]+\]\s+)?(?P<line>.*)$ [parse_players] start2=There are (?P<v_maxDataLines>\d+)/\d+ players [parse_connect] shortStart=logged in with entity id \d+ at start=(?P<name>[A-Za-z0-9_]{3,16})[/(?P<ip>.*):\d+] logged in with entity id \d+ at [parse_disconnect] shortStart=logged out start=(?P<name>[A-Za-z0-9_]{3,16})[/(?P<ip>.*):\d+] logged out [parse_hide] start=(^.*wrongly.*)|(^.*left.*game.*)|(^.*ran.*command.*)|(^.*Message.*Day.*)|(^.*Unregistering.*player.*)|(^.*Registering.*player.*)|(^.*$player.*)|(^.*creating.*profile.*)|(^.*disconnected.*unknown.*)|(^.*Blocked.*seconds.*) The name and sources at the top can be anything you like, but the phar and phar.conf files must have the exact same name. Also you can edit the 'hide' section if you don't want to hide console messages matching those patterns.