I’m trying to get this plugin to work but I get this error [23:03:24] [Server thread/INFO]: Enabling yBedWars v0.1 Fatal error: Declaration of ru\yarka\bedwars\entity\Shopkeeper::saveNBT() must be compatible with pocketmine\entity\Villager::saveNBT(): void in /home/container/plugins/BedWars1.0-master/src/ru/yarka/bedwars/entity/Shopkeeper.php on line 186 [23:03:24] [Server thread/EMERGENCY]: An unrecoverable error has occurred and the server has crashed. Creating a crash dump PHP: public function openShop(Player $player) { $i = 0; $shop = new VirtualInventory($player); $shop->setTitle("Score"); foreach ($this->items as $icon => $content) { $iconItem = Item::get($icon, 0, $i + 1); $iconItem->setCustomName(constant(self::class . '::CATEGORY_' . ($i + 1))); $shop->setItem($i, $iconItem); $shop->bindItem($i++, function () use ($player, $shop, $i, $icon) { $categoryShop = new VirtualInventory($player); $categoryShop->setTitle(constant(self::class . '::CATEGORY_' . $i)); foreach ($this->items[$icon] as $i => $item) { /** @var Item $itemItem */ $itemItem = clone $item[0]; $price = Item::get(constant(Area::class . '::DROP_ID_' . strtoupper($item[1][1])), 0, $item[1][0]); $itemItem->setCustomName(($this->getResourceCount($player, $price) >= $price->getCount() ? TextFormat::GREEN : TextFormat::RED) . 'Стоимость ' . $price->getCount() . ' ' . ( $price->getId() === Area::DROP_ID_BRONZE ? 'Bronze' : ( $price->getId() === Area::DROP_ID_IRON ? 'Iron' : 'Gold' ))); $categoryShop->setItem($i, $itemItem); $categoryShop->bindItem($i, function (Item $price, Player $player, Item $item, int $i, Item $itemItem) { $itemItem->setCustomName(($this->getResourceCount($player, $price) >= $price->getCount() ? TextFormat::GREEN : TextFormat::RED) . 'Стоимость ' . $price->getCount() . ' ' . ( $price->getId() === Area::DROP_ID_BRONZE ? 'Bronze' : ( $price->getId() === Area::DROP_ID_IRON ? 'Iron' : 'Gold' ))); if ($this->getResourceCount($player, $price) < $price->getCount()) { return; } if (!isset($this->state[strtolower($player->getName())]) || $this->state[strtolower($player->getName())] !== 'BUY_' . $i) { $this->state[strtolower($player->getName())] = 'BUY_' . $i; return; } unset($this->state[strtolower($player->getName())]); $player->getInventory()->removeItem($price); $player->getInventory()->addItem($item); }, $price, $player, $item[0], $i, $itemItem); } $player->addWindow($categoryShop); }); } $player->addWindow($shop); } public function saveNBT() { } public function getResourceCount(Player $player, Item $resource): int { $count = 0; foreach ($player->getInventory()->getContents() as $item) { if ($item->getId() === $resource->getId()) { $count += $item->getCount(); } } return $count; }} anyone knows how to fix this