i can't connect to server from other networks. i saw https://bukkit.org/threads/cant-get-port-to-forward.81508/ and according to this post, i did right. but i still can't connect to server. it says unable to connect to world. i am windown 10 and using wsl to run ubuntu.
You are suppose to port forward 19132 or the port of the server with udp.dont assume both java edition and bedrock edition are the same.
server.property: #Properties Config file #Mon Mar 2 13:16:03 KST 2020 language=eng motd=PocketMine-MP Server server-port=19132 white-list=0 announce-player-achievements=on spawn-protection=16 max-players=20 gamemode=0 force-gamemode=off hardcore=off pvp=on difficulty=2 generator-settings= level-name=world level-seed= level-type=DEFAULT enable-query=on enable-rcon=off rcon.password=SqZ5W2MASv auto-save=on view-distance=8 xbox-auth=off internal ip: port forwarding settings: service port:19132~19132 protocol:udp ip address: Internal port:19132
yes. but i already installed linux version and i thought there was no problem to continue using it. and i installed native window binary, but it didin't worked.
It's probably a firewall issue. Please follow these steps: https://pmmp.readthedocs.io/en/rtfd/faq/connecting/win10localhostcantconnect.html And then try connecting locally using the Minecraft Windows 10 Edition.