Hi there, I am a beginner of Pocketmine MP. Can someone solve me how can I use Scoreboard API plugin from PMMP? Once I installed and put into the fire,joined to the server. That's didn't show me the scoreboard in the right of side. thanks.
I'm fairly certain that ScoreboardAPI is just an API for other plugins to do stuff with it, isn't it?
What about Scorehud plugin? I downloaded addon ( PurePerms ) and it doesn't showing the rank {rank}. Even I type {name} it not showing player name.
https://github.com/JackMD/ScoreHud#how-to-setup Basic Addon for {name} etc: https://github.com/JackMD/ScoreHud-Addons
im wondering why you didnt get warn for post in old threads!!! i remember i just anwsered 1 thread in 2018 and i get warn by @jasonwynn10 so you posted 3 times in old threads you should ban right now
use Scoreboards\Scoreboards; $sc = Scoreboards::getInstance(); $sc->new($player, "Name", "First Line (like server name)"); $sc->setLine($player, 1, "Your line here"); //For remove if($sc->getObjectiveName($player) !== null){ $sc->remove($player); } If u wanna make it with array $this->config->set("Scoreboard", array()); //Save //Foreach... In task: $this->main->addScore($online); In main: public function addScore(Player $player){ $line = 1; foreach($this->config->get("Scoreboard") as $array){ Scoreboards::getInstance()->setLine($player, $line, $this->setLines($player, $array)); $line++; } } public function setLines(Player $player, string $string):string{ $string = str_replace(["{name}", "{ping}"], [$player->getName(), $player->getPing()], $string); return $string; }