I'm gonna go out on a limb and say he wants a plugin made, not code. I don't know what gave it away first, the fact that it's in the plugin requests section or because he called it a big message on screen. In any case, if I have extra free time, I'd be glad to help you out and make something like this.
public function onJoin(PlayerJoinEvent $e){ $player = $e->getPlayer(); $player->addTitle("Hello World", "Subtitle"); } Why this code can not show the title when the play joined ?
PHP: public function onJoin(PlayerJoinEvent $e){$player = $e->getPlayer();$player->addTitle("Hello World", "Subtitle", 10, 50, 10);} It should be this. I do believe sending a title on join event doesn't work, I think it's a problem with pocketmine but idk. I came across the same problem. What I did was use PlayerMoveEvent instead; by detecting if the player is at spawnpoint, if the player is; it will send the title. Technically it will spam the player with the title but it's not really an issue as when the player moves of the coordinates it'll stop. You could use permissions to stop it from spamming tho.
You should schedule a task for the title, as showing it right as when the client joins makes it seem like it doesn't show up at all. The last 3 parameters aren't necessary in order to send a title, as they'll be the default length if not filled.