Hello, I was wondering if it's possible to display the healing splash potion effect when a player is hit to make it look like blood and how would this be done? I have added an image below to show you what effect I'm talking about. thanks edit: although the harming splash probably looks better to use :3
Then this is the wrong section. However, you can re-implement the SpellParticle and set whatever color you want Spoiler: SpellParticle.php PHP: <?phpnamespace your\namespace;use pocketmine\level\particle\GenericParticle;use pocketmine\math\Vector3;use pocketmine\network\mcpe\protocol\LevelEventPacket;class SpellParticle extends GenericParticle { public function __construct(Vector3 $pos, $r = 0, $g = 0, $b = 0, $a = 255) { parent::__construct($pos, LevelEventPacket::EVENT_PARTICLE_SPLASH, (($a & 0xff) << 24) | (($r & 0xff) << 16) | (($g & 0xff) << 8) | ($b & 0xff)); } public function encode() { $pk = new LevelEventPacket(); $pk->evid = LevelEventPacket::EVENT_PARTICLE_SPLASH; $pk->position = $this->asVector3(); $pk->data = $this->data; return $pk; }} Spoiler: Creating a SpellParticle PHP: $red = 230;$green = 0;$blue = 0;$level->addParticle(new SpellParticle($location, $red, $green, $blue)); Or you could just send a LevelEventPacket and not create a new class for SpellParticle