dam lazers back at it again with the stupid questions! So how do I disable MySQL in a plugin once i added it? (Kill me, kill me now )
Well heres the setting for it lol mysql: host: "null" port: null user: "null" password: "null" database: "null"
TBH, this should be in facepalm section. Every plugin implements MySQL data provider differently! What plugin you're using?
I don't repeat myself, but as I previously said: "Every plugin implements MySQL data provider differently!" This is how I switch data providers in my plugin PHP: /** * @internal */private function loadDataProvider(): bool{ try { switch (strtolower(trim($this->getConfig()->get('data-provider')["type"]))) { default: case 'yaml': case 'yml': $this->setDataProvider(new YAMLDataProvider($this)); break; case 'json': $this->setDataProvider(new JSONDataProvider($this)); break; case 'sql': case 'sqlite': case 'sqlite3': $this->setDataProvider(new SQLite3DataProvider($this)); break; case 'mysql': $this->setDataProvider(new MySQLDataProvider($this)); break; } } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->getLogger()->critical(Localizer::trans('plugin.dataprovider-error', [$e->getMessage()])); $this->getServer()->getPluginManager()->disablePlugin($this); return false; } $this->getLogger()->info(Localizer::trans('plugin.dataprovider-set', [$this->getDataProvider()->getName()])); return true;} I get a value from config under 'data-provider' key, setting which users can change. Then load appropriate data provider or default one, if that value does not reference any supported data providers. This implementation is widely used, so I assume that you must change one value in the config.
You can't just "disable MySQL" in a plugin. You could add a simple comment to comment out or delete all the functionality related to MySQL.
some plugin WILL only work with MYSQL and some developer is not bother with implementing providers so it will need someone who have knowledge and willing to deal with these kind of madness to disable it
I wouldn't use the term 'disable.' MySQL is a php extension, not just something PocketMine has. Plugins developers can choose to implement it as a data provider or not in their plugins.