I want to make explodeparticle, but it’s not default. i want to replace default particle with dustparticle. how to make it? thank you for answering.
well, i want to make hugeexplodeparticle. but, default is like smoke. i wanna replace like smoke with dust particle (that is to say, set color to the particle)
Create an incomplete cube using for(). Enter the color for the particle using rgb symbols (red, green, blue). You can generate it here. PHP: /** @var Level $level */ $level = null; /** @var Vector3 $center */ $center = new Vector3(); /** @var int $size */ $size = 5; for($x = $center->getX()-$size; $x <= $center->getX()+$size; $x++) { for($y = $center->getY()-$size; $y <= $center->getY()+$size; $y++) { for($z = $center->getZ()-$size; $x <= $center->getZ()+$size; $z++) { if(rand(1, 3) === 1) { $level->addParticle(new DustParticle(new Vector3($center->add($x/10, $y/10, $z/10)), 130, 130, 130)); } } } }