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How to make a plugin reload the server when starting the server?

Discussion in 'Plugin Help' started by IvanCraft623, Oct 5, 2020.

  1. IvanCraft623

    IvanCraft623 Baby Zombie

    Hi, I have the problem that when I start the server i want to reloads the server without creating a loop, it only restarts once, I do it for the reason that I use the MultiWorld plugin using the void generation type in several worlds but As in all occasions, the plugins of the minigames (SkyWars, TheBridge) load first and what they do is load the worlds and as they use the void generator, it marks that this type of generation has not been found and when the players try to enter the Minigames take them out of the server unless I have reloaded before and I would like to make it done automatically because I am tired of doing it manually.

    An apology if there are grammatical errors I actually speak Spanish.
  2. Primus

    Primus Zombie Pigman

    What does that `true` do?
  3. IvanCraft623

    IvanCraft623 Baby Zombie

    What I was referring to is that a loop is created when I use:
        public function onEnable(): void {
    But I was able to fix it already, in an unconventional way. xD
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