Hi! If you would be so kind to answer me this question, how can I get a result of a pre-defined config, from another plugin? as if a function is activated or not and how to customize it
This is confusing, bet lets say that You want to gain read & write access to another's plugin config file. PHP: 1. $other = PluginManager::getPlugin(string $name);2. 2.1. $config = $other->getConfig() : Config; // if second plugin is using default config's name (config.yml) 2.2. $config = new Config($other->getDataFolder() . "custom_name.yml"); (if it's saved in other than ^) Note: read the file in correct format. Refer to documentation for more details. P.S. You get PluginManager instance from Server class/object (it's singleton) example in context of PluginBase: $this->getServer()->getPluginManager() as for that: make sure that the other plugin has actually done fiddling with the config. You might actually face an issue if holding two different instances of Config objects that points to same file, that is they could store different values in runtime.