Please how to fix class not found Plugin.yml code Code: name: BloodFX main: hoyinm14mc\bloodfx\BloodFX api: [3.0.0] version: 1.1.0 author: hoyinm14mc & CyberCube-HK Team & updated by CupidonSauce173 commands: bloodfx: usage: /bloodfx help permission: bloodfx.command description: Command of BloodFX aliases: ["blood", "bld"] permissions: bloodfx.command: default: op children: bloodfx.command.set: default: op bloodfx.command.reload: default: op bloodfx.command.get: default: op bloodfx.command.list: default: op bloodfx.command.on: default: op default: op default: op BloodFX.php Code PHP: <?phpnamespace hoyinm14mc\bloodfx;use pocketmine\plugin\PluginBase;use pocketmine\entity\Entity;use pocketmine\math\Vector3;use pocketmine\level\particle\DestroyBlockParticle;use pocketmine\block\Block;use hoyinm14mc\bloodfx\EventListener;use hoyinm14mc\bloodfx\Commands;use pocketmine\utils\Config;class BloodFX extends PluginBase{ private static $instance = null; public function onEnable(){ self::$instance = $this; if(is_dir($this->getDataFolder()) !== true){ mkdir($this->getDataFolder()); } $this->saveDefaultConfig(); if($this->getConfig()->exists("v") !== true || $this->getConfig()->get("v") != $this->getDescription()->getVersion()){ $this->getLogger()->info($this->colourMessage("&eUpdating configuration..")); unlink($this->getDataFolder() . "config.yml"); $this->saveDefaultConfig(); } $this->reloadConfig(); $this->data = new Config($this->getDataFolder() . "data.yml", Config::YAML, array( "entities" => array( "chicken" => 152, "cow" => 152, "creeper" => 152, "enderman" => 152, "human" => 152, "ozelot" => 152, "pig" => 152, "pigzombie" => 152, "player" => 152, "sheep" => 152, "silverfish" => 152, "skeleton" => 152, "slime" => 152, "spider" => 152, "squid" => 152, "villager" => 152, "wolf" => 152, "zombie" => 152 ) )); $this->disabled = new Config($this->getDataFolder() . "disabled_players.txt", Config::ENUM, array()); $this->getCommand("bloodfx")->setExecutor(new Commands($this)); $this->getServer()->getPluginManager()->registerEvents(new EventListener($this), $this); $this->getLogger()->info($this->colourMessage("&aLoaded Successfully!")); } public function colourMessage($msg){ return str_replace("&", "ยง", $msg); } public static function getInstance(){ return self::$instance; } public function sprayBlood(Entity $entity, $amplifier, $name){ $t = $this->data->getAll(); $amplifier = (int) round($amplifier / 15); for($i = 0; $i <= $amplifier; $i ++){ $entity->getLevel()->addParticle(new DestroyBlockParticle(new Vector3($entity->x, $entity->y, $entity->z), Block::get($t["entities"][$name]))); } return true; }}?>
Are You Getting [Server thread/ERROR]: Main class for plugin Bloodfx not found [21:48:47] [Server thread/CRITICAL]: Could not load plugin 'Bloodfx'
capitalization, hoyinm14mc\BloodFX\BloodFX Make Sure you have it like src/hoyinm14mc/BloofFX/BloodFX make sure main file is called BloodFX