how do you make a helix particle that goes around something? i tried this PHP: $level = $this->level; $location = $this->location; $radio = 1; for ($y = 0; $y < 10; $y += 0.2) { $x = $radio * cos($y); $z = $radio * sin($y); $level->addParticle(new FlameParticle($location->add($x, $y, $z))); but it just makes helix straight and not slowly go around in a circle or something
Change the ticks on the scheduler... like PHP: $this->getScheduler()->scheduleRepeatingTask(new FileName($this, $player->getLevel(), $player->getPosition()), 10); I am not 100% sure if that's your code. Just change the number you have to 10.
From what I understand, straight and going around refers to whether it is a straight line or a helix, not whether it is dynamic and moving.