Hey, my question is so difficult and easy (difficult to explain and so easy when you understand what i say) I think all have the reply. How to change the top of head of player. I mean where there are write the name of the player and his life Do you understand what i mean Sorry for my bad englisgh
You can use this to get the current nametag of a player: PHP: //Assuming $player is an instance of Player: $player->getNameTag(); You can set the nametag of a Player(or most Entities) with this: PHP: $player->setNameTag("Blah Blah"); If you want to make a player's nametag blue, you could do this: PHP: $name = $player->getNameTag(); $player->setNameTag(TextFormat::AQUA . $name); PureChat allows you to set nametags and chat formats for players, so you may want to check it out.