I'm new to pmmp and when I try to add a plugin ( from poggit ) it says that the api is not combattible with the server, and I'm wondering how I can change the api version on the plugin to match the server.
You can change the API number in plugin.yml, HOWEVER: It is highly discouraged. The API version is incompatible because large changes have been made since that plugin was updated, some of which may break the plugin. You can change the number, but that won't automatically make the plugin itself compatible.
<pluginname> extends the name of your plugin. You can download DevTools and run Code: /extractplugin <pluginname> to decompress the phar file to plugin_data/DevTools/<pluginname> Once you changed everything, drag the <pluginname> folder to you main plugins folder, restart the server and run Code: /makeplugin <pluginname> to get the new phar file created at plugin_data/DevTools/. However, keep in mind, its very unlikely a pre-3.0.0 plugin will actually work with 3.0.0 without updateing the entire source code...