Hi, for testing services and that I need to edit the PHAR, how do I run PMMP from the source on Windows? Thanks!
Hi, I do not know how to run PMMP from the source on windows but I suggest you to install virtualbox (https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads) and install a CentOS 7 machine on it. When it's done, do these commands : 1) sudo firewall-cmd --zone=public --add port=19132/udp --permanent 2) sudo firewall-cmd --reload 3) curl -sL https://get.pmmp.io | bash -s - -r 4) wget -q -O - https://get.pmmp.io | bash -s - -r 5) ./start.sh And then put your plugins
That’s but I need to run it from Windows, I can’t run VituralBox since it may lagg other things I have running.
hello, it's always good to share how you resolved your problem with other people, this way it saves a lot of extra time for the person who wants the same done (you are not alone lol) and those that are trying to help.
Ok then, run composer and download files from GitHub you need with the language files. Then keep debugging until it works.
Install git, and git clone PocketMine recursively (or run git submodule update --init). Then run composer install. That's it.