PHP: $this->getServer()->generateLevel($levelName, null, "pocketmine\level\generator\Flat", ["preset" => "3;;1"]); So this is how I generate a completely empty world (void). What do I change so I can make it flat? I also want to be able to set blocks in it (something I couldn't do in the void level). ty
PHP: $this->getServer()->generateLevel($levelName, null, "pocketmine\level\generator\Flat", ["preset" => "2;7,2x3,2;1"]);
It does work but it is just the same as in the void world. I can't set blocks in it with code. $level->setBlock() doesn't happen in neither flat nor void worlds
Ah, yeah forgot about one symbol. PHP: $this->getServer()->generateLevel($levelName, null, "pocketmine\level\generator\Flat", ["preset" => "2;7,2x3,2;1;"]); This should generate normal flat world.
It still creates a normal world, the problem is $level->setBlock() doesn't set the blocks in flat/void levels. I want to do some kind of skyblock
you could create an own world gen for better performance if you are creating big infinite patterns. But I don't think you want to. setBlock() should work perfectly fine in a void/empty world. (flat world). Send your setBlock code or double check coordinates.
setBlock() works perfectly fine on different worlds that aren't void/empty. I have tested the coordinates, debugged everything, everything is alright. setBlock() just doesn't set the block in flat/void levels
Are you trying to make an auto generating skyblock plugin. (does that even make sense lol..) ik a plugin when you do /skyblock it generates a skyblock island