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How create a schedulerDalayedTask?

Discussion in 'Development' started by DanielYTK, Apr 20, 2017.

  1. DanielYTK

    DanielYTK Zombie

    I think the title says it all.

    They have created a tutorial on resources on how to create a task, only it is schedulerRepeatingTask, and I need a SchedulerDaleyedTask, if you can tell me how it does it, I appreciate it.
  2. xBeastMode

    xBeastMode Shog Chips

    DanielYTK likes this.
  3. SOFe

    SOFe Administrator Staff Member PMMP Team Poggit Admin

    schedule-delayed and schedule-delayed are the actions. Task is the noun. You can only create a Task, and you can only do a task delay-scheduling or a task repeat-scheduling, but you can't create it.
    While this sounds nonsense, it is very important to how you understand how it works. Just like you can build a cannon, but you can't create a TNT cannon. You can only build a cannon and fill it with TNT, but TNT isn't part of the cannon itself.
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