I Did This using task but People said ths method is no good is there esier method than this? PHP: public function onRun($tick){ switch($this->seconds) {$this seconds is equl 8 case 8:$player->sendTip("Timer: 8"); $player is the player break; case 7:$player->sendTip("Timer: 7"); break; case 6$player->sendTip("Timer: 6"); break; case 5:$player->sendTip("Timer: 5"); break; case 4:$player->sendTip("Timer: 4"); break; case 3:$player->sendTip("Timer: 3"); break; case 2:$player->sendTip("Timer: 2"); break; case 1: $player->sendTip("Timer: 1"); break; case 0:$player->sendTip("Timer: 0"); break; } $this->seconds--; }
That's a lot of unnecessary code. PHP: public function onRun($currentTick) { /**@var object*/ $player->sendTip("Timer {$this->seconds}"); $this->seconds--;} Be sure to define $player, my example provides what you needed. It isn't complete.