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How can I make an entity move

Discussion in 'Development' started by Minetron26, Sep 10, 2018.

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  1. Minetron26

    Minetron26 Witch

    Hello, I was wondering if I can make an entity move, preferably to follow you, for example, I create a user entity or NPC and then I want to make it move and followed the user him, is there any way to do this?
  2. XenialDan

    XenialDan Baby Zombie

    The function to make mobs move is ->addMotion(v3)

    With some calculations you can get the rotation angle right too, basically cosinus and sinus (cos sin). Search the web for triangular calculations

    Gravity is done automatically, just jumping must be implemented maybe. Speed calculation can be done by multiplying the motion vector with a speed value. Take a look at MyPets for example code
    SleepSpace9, GamakCZ and jasonwynn10 like this.
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