Hm "not falling dust" is approximately this, i think -> "RisingDust" (id 11) addParticle(new GenericParticle(new Vector3($x, $y, $z), 11));
You can color any particles.. Check this gif of @SuperMaXAleX -> I do not know how it works but @Muqsit may be able to explain to you how to do this or @SuperMaXAleX
Use for calculate rgb colors. PHP: $r = 1;$g = 2;$b = 3;$particle = new DustParticle(new Vector3(x, y, z), $r, $g, $b);Level->addParticle($particle);
You can't do it because the particle movements are client-sided, which means even if the server is lagging for you, the dust particle's movement will not be affected by the lag. In that video, the particle isn't moving. The entity is moving and a trail of particles are spawned at the position its moving to. The lifespan of some particles is very less so it may seem like the particle is moving. For colored dust particles, you can specify their RGB values. PHP: /** @var Vector3 $pos *//** @var int $r *//** @var int $g *//** @var int $b */new DustParticle($pos, $r, $g, $b);
Do you know how this is done? How did he manage to color other normally not color-able particles?