I keep getting errors This is the one of the errors i get, Server thread/CRITICAL pocketmine\plugin\PluginException: "Plugin 'Hormones' attempted to register a task while disabled" (EXCEPTION) in "/src/pocketmine/scheduler/ServerScheduler" at line 201 and this is the seccond error i get, Failed to execute database setup query: Incorrect table definition; there can be only one TIMESTAMP column with CURRENT_TIMESTAMP in DEFAULT or ON UPDATE clause
How can i do that? im not very good at these, im just trying to link 3 servers. i found where the debug.level it gave me a lot of error
Nope. Hormones is designed specifically for PocketMine. If you do use Genisys, than please don't expect any support from us.
I believe that it is because of recent changes in the PocketMine API (although I'm not entirely sure) so downgrading the plugin won't help. The plugin itself will have to be updated first.
Can you please show the full console log? It seems the error was caused by something else. Also, please go to the GitHub issue you created.