Hello, i found an old plugin on Github what do exactly what stands in the title. But how i said, its very old. I fixed it as far as i can, but here i need help. PHP: public function onSendPacket(DataPacketSendEvent $event){ $packet = $event->getPacket(); $player = $event->getPlayer(); if($packet instanceof AvailableCommandsPacket){ $data = []; foreach($this->plugin->getServer()->getCommandMap()->getCommands() as $command){ if($player->hasPermission($command->getPermission())){ if(count($cmdData = $command->generateCustomCommandData($player)) > 0){ $data[$command->getName()]["versions"][0] = $cmdData; } } } if(count($data) > 0){ $packet->commands = json_encode($data); } } } This is the code to hide the commands And here is the error: Code: [17:02:35] [Server thread/CRITICAL]: Could not pass event 'pocketmine\event\server\DataPacketSendEvent' to 'BefehleVersteckenxD v1': Call to undefined method pocketmine\command\defaults\HelpCommand::generateCustomCommandData() on MrDoni98\HideExcess [17:02:35] [Server thread/CRITICAL]: Error: "Call to undefined method pocketmine\command\defaults\HelpCommand::generateCustomCommandData()" (EXCEPTION) in "HideExcess-master/src/MrDoni98/HideExcess" at line 25 Please write here if you have any idea how to fix