I do this post to ask for help I want to make a plugin per I do not know how to do it to execute the command and that it is put to a player example / gamemode 1 steve <- that is what I want to do somebody could I explain the code that you use? ? And sorry i'm new to this !!
And now in English please.... What I guessed your message could mean: "How can I execute a command using my plugin?" The answer to that is: PHP: $this->getServer()->dispatchCommand(new ConsoleCommandSender(), "gamemode 1 steve"); This code would execute the given command on console
What I mean is how the ranks like purechat and pureperms / setgroup MonkeyCortu Owner that's what I mean help please
Assuming you are in a class extending PluginBase and assuming $player is an instanceof Player: PHP: $pureperms = $this->getServer()->getPluginManager()->getPlugin("PurePerms");$pureperms->setGroup($player, $pureperms->getGroup("NAME OF THE RANK HERE"));