So I got this SkyBlock plugin, it's pretty good but instead of using the plugin generator to generate an island on command /skyblock create (like this): PHP: case "create": $config = $this->plugin->getSkyBlockManager()->getPlayerConfig($sender); if(empty($config->get("island"))) { $reset = $this->plugin->getResetHandler()->getResetTimer($sender); if($reset instanceof Reset) { $minutes = Utils::printSeconds($reset->getTime()); $sender->sendMessage(TextFormat::GOLD."You'll be able to create a new island in {$minutes} minutes"); } else { $skyBlockManager = $this->plugin->getSkyBlockGeneratorManager(); if(isset($args[1])) { if($skyBlockManager->isGenerator($args[1])) { $this->plugin->getSkyBlockManager()->generateIsland($sender, $args[1]); } else { $sender->sendMessage(TextFormat::RED."That isn't a valid SkyBlock generator"); } } else { $this->plugin->getSkyBlockManager()->generateIsland($sender, "basic"); } } } I want to change it to use an already made world from the server 'worlds' folder like 'skyblockisland' I'd imagine everything would stay the same up until the line: $this->plugin->getSkyBlockManager()->generateIsland($sender, Only one problem I have very, very, very LITTLE knowledge in php code. so could someone pls let me know how I could do this. Hope that was undstanerble. thanks
I believe you could call a folder in the skyblock src with a world inside and load it on the command. Not sure how it would generate a new world for each player though.