is there any way to make a head block with each player’s skindata? If it is possible, how do i? thank you for reading and answering.
This may help: It parses the front side of the face from skindata. Here's something else you can do if you are okay without the skindata. Spoiler: Minecart That's an invisible Minecart carrying a glass block. But the block doesn't seem to rotate according to the minecart's yaw and pitch.
Works! I used custom geometryData on my player and can create a Slapper entity from that. Although it's also quite funny watching a moving head on the ground.
I recommend using Blockbench - a great free software for import and export Minecraft Bedrock format. I've loaded the model from an existing skin pack (where it makes a player to a block), added the player texture and reassigned the texture areas. At the end I just exported the model again and used it as geometryData in setSkin().
this is cool, but it's still not a block of Steve's head, that would be an entity with a custom skinData(Geometry). but it still being an option, cool
I’ll use it and edit for my server I wanna add each head block to players, and it will be teleported when they selected them (like pc server).