Is there any plugin out there where it shows when a player is hacking. For example: When someone is speed hacking, it will send a message to the OP's saying "Server> $player is speed hacking. Blocks per second: $blockspersecond [How many blocks a player is moving]") And with spammers, fly modders, ect..
PocketMine has a built-in AntiCheat that lets the console know when a player's movement is questionable.
It is enabled by default, but you can find it here. Also, it can be a little faulty when players run on stairs.
That particular option only handles movement cheats. It logs on the console, but doesn't send messages to players as far as I know. this i think has what your looking for but the command for ops is /sac or you can try the commads for ops are /pac this ones anti-cheats no clip fly and speed no spaming
OP seems to want a plugin that announce hacker's present but without blocking them or kicking/banning? is that what you meant? i can foresee people will still get confused anyways...