How can i do to get PurePerms's plugin in my code ? What i want to do is get PurePerms to check the player is in the group else it will cancel. Example: PHP: if ($playre->is in group() ) { /// Do sth} else { /// Do sth how can i render the is in group()
If you mean you want to use PurePerms functions in your plugin and get the Player's Rank, here's how you do it.. PHP: $pm = $this->getServer()->getPluginManager(); $pp = $pm->getPlugin("PurePerms"); $rank = $pp->getUserDataMgr()->getGroup($player)->getName(); Then you can check if the player is in the group you want, by putting an 'if else' condition in your plugin! PHP: if($rank == 'the group you want the player to be in'){/// your code}else {/// your code}