which one is better making a plugin yourself or getting one that has already been made? i am planning on making a plugin that was never made before although i will need to learn the full API first. tell me from your experience of which one you would rather pick.
I would make one by myself. That's the way to learn editing from other developers plugin is also good but it doesn't register in your mind as much as making a new one. https://github.com/RTGNetworkkk/BasicPlugin would help you on a very basic level on making plugins after you have learned about the API.
if you wanted to know the plugin i was going to make. it has to many commands and functions that will require a large amount of storage. however it is a minigame plugin. if any of you could tell me the amount of storage limit pocketmine has. since what i am planning to make has so many commands and player status more functions etc
I'm not sure about the storage. If you're wondering how to add multiple commands. Code PHP: use pocketmine\command\Command;use pocketmine\command\CommandSender;public function onCommand(CommandSender $sender, Command $cmd, $label, array $args) { switch(strtolower($cmd->getName())) { case "minigame": # type /minigame in game if(isset($args[0])) { switch(strtolower($args[0])) { case "test": # /minigame test in game return true; break; } } return true; break; }}
did you make your own version of rankup? i'm getting a android tablet soon so now i can actually join server without having errors joining do you know where i can get latest version for pocketmine? this plugin will require many other plugins like the hud plugin (not trying to review to much so no one who reads will try to copy it) and so many more other plugins just like economy requires pocketmoney and the extra economy plugins require the core economy plugin
Get latest PocketMine-MP Software here https://jenkins.pmmp.io PHP: // if you ever need to get EconomyAPI or even other plugin.# use pocketmine\Server;$api = $this->getServer()->getPluginManager()->getPlugin("EconomyAPI");
So if the plugin required doesn't show up in the plugins folder it will show a error. However it will have no function until set to do with the plugin?
Your server crashed after u installed the plugin? If it's crashed check for CrashDump. CrashDumps are really helpful in finding errors/issues in your plugin.
I didn't start making it yet although it does not do a function if we make the plugin require another plugin only just requires that plugin?
Thanks for helping me i will start working on it when I have the chance probably when I get the android device since I mainly need MCPE to test
Never create something that's already made. That is just egoism that creates further mess, costs extra time but does not benefit overall development of the community (or humanity if you want to make it sound big) or for any individuals.
For me it depends firstly is to give a reason, give a reason of why to make one that exist OR to use one that exist why choose X example there a plugin named LitPerms but you want to make your own over / use it use it: because it is convenient or i cant code so i have no choices :( make your own: because it is inefficient, creates lags and i bet i can make a better version over it all reason is valid choices are up to you
Might not be able to get MCPE on the android device although I can download pocketmine and test the plugin there then use the connection to connect to the server from my iOS device to test the plugin