PHP: $this->getServer()->getDefaultLevel()->addParticle(new \pocketmine\level\particle\FloatingTextParticle(new Vector3(0,62,-1),"§l§eTAP TO PLAY")); I'm doing this onEnable , but after I join I can't see particle..
I can't beceause I want to spawn text on top of entity, so if I spawn entity invisible entity it will block hitbox of my visible entity
I can't because if I do \n it then text will be on entities head and thats why I want to spawn floating text to make nametag higher , but don't block entities head.
Hmm... FloatTextParticle isn't work and you haven't ways to correct it(I'm can mistake). Try another way, for example, you can place invisible entity next to entity.
tl;dr: much nonsense. only players who were online when you spawned the particle will be able to see it. If you want to additionally spawn it to players who joined later, you (currently) have to do so manually when the player joins.