Hey i get the error that i don't understand: Code: Unhandled exception executing command 'test' in test: Argument 2 passed to pocketmine\math\AxisAlignedBB::setBounds() must be of the type float, null given, called in phar://C:/Users/steve/Desktop/MCPE server/Lobby Server/PocketMine-MP.phar/src/pocketmine/entity/Entity.php on line 647 TypeError: "Argument 2 passed to pocketmine\math\AxisAlignedBB::setBounds() must be of the type float, null given, called in phar://C:/Users/steve/Desktop/MCPE server/Lobby Server/PocketMine-MP.phar/src/pocketmine/entity/Entity.php on line 647" (EXCEPTION) in "vendor/pocketmine/math/src/AxisAlignedBB" at line 45 i get the error when i run the command and the code is: PHP: $x = $config->getNested($arena.".x");$y = $config->getNested($arena.".y");$z = $config->getNested($arena.".z");$spawn = new Position($x+0.5, $y, $z+0.5, $level);$level->loadChunk($spawn->getFloorX(), $spawn->getFloorZ());$player->teleport($spawn,0,0); it glitches me in the ground instead of teleportation and gives the error
I was used an earlier version of the new 3.0.0 api, but then I updated to the latest and still have the errors The error is strange because it was working fine wile I was testing and then I get the error randomly so idk what caused it?
Beware that "y" keys and values are transformed into booleans in the YAML 1.1 spec. Code: x: 1 y: 1 z: 1 will transform into Code: x: 1 1: 1 z: 1 You should consider using something else to store your data instead of a YAML config. Reference for this idiotic behaviour: http://yaml.org/type/bool.html edit: typo