Hi! I've been working on this plugin lately.. I encountered this issue where i says Here's the FULL Loader.php PHP: <?php/* * All rights reserved RTGNetworkkk*/namespace RTG\Tracker;use pocketmine\utils\Config;use pocketmine\plugin\PluginBase;use pocketmine\Server;use pocketmine\Player;use pocketmine\event\Listener;use pocketmine\event\player\PlayerCommandPreprocessEvent;class Loader extends PluginBase implements Listener { public function onEnable() { $this->getServer()->getPluginManager()->registerEvents($this, $this); $this->logs = new Config($this->getDataFolder() . "logs.txt"); } public function onFilter(PlayerCommandPreprocessEvent $e) { $msg = $e->getMessage(); $carray = explode(" ",trim($msg)); $m = $carray[0]; $p = $e->getPlayer(); $n = $p->getName(); $r = intval(time()); $time = date("m-d-Y H:i:s", $r); if($p->isOp() or $p->hasPermission("system.track")) { if($m === "/kick" or $m === "/ban" or $m === "/pardon") { $this->logs->set($time, "Player: " . $n . " | Command: " . $msg); $this->logs->save(); } } } public function onDisable() { } } On GitHub: - https://github.com/RTGNetworkkk/CommandTracker Issue: - https://github.com/RTGNetworkkk/CommandTracker/issues/1
Thats all Here's my log: http://imgur.com/a/TX85W I've also add the image here: https://github.com/RTGNetworkkk/CommandTracker/issues/1
the issue at hand here was in the plugin.yml Here is the corrected version. Code: name: CommandTracker version: 1.0.0 main: RTG\Tracker\CommandTracker api: 2.1.0 author: IG permissions: system.track: default: op Spoiler: Your Error You have added a semicolon on the main class. RTG\Tracker\CommandTracker; Spoiler: how I found out DevTools gave me a warning. Warning: Couldn't load source plugin CommandTracker: main class not found in phar://C:/Users/TheDeibo/Desktop/_PM/plugins/DevTools_v1.11.1-95929e1d.phar/src/FolderPluginLoader/FolderPluginLoader.php on line 70
Wow! You're the best. I didnt even notice that!.. Thanks! DevTools didnt give me any error like that...
Simple mistake that could have been a slip of the key. (accidental) Always be careful of what key you press.