Hello, I have had a problem with a plugin that closes my server and this happened in the new PocketMine-MP api I do not know why it happens but I leave the error, please if someone knows and if they know how to solve the best pmsrc/src/pocketmine/entity/projectile/Projectile(189): pocketmine\math\VoxelRayTrace::betweenPoints(object pocketmine\math\Vector3, object pocketmine\math\Vector3) #1 pmsrc/src/pocketmine/entity/Entity(1384): pocketmine\entity\projectile\Projectile->move(double NAN, double 1.5205628457523, double NAN) #2 pmsrc/src/pocketmine/level/Level(854): pocketmine\entity\Entity->onUpdate(integer 1909) #3 pmsrc/src/pocketmine/level/Level(787): pocketmine\level\Level->actuallyDoTick(integer 1909)