Do we have a plan to do a pmmp plugin development documents, including API documentation. Now the plugins information is scattered in the pmmp source/forums / github / gitter / and in the brains of every community member. If this information can be integrated together just fine.
It seems I still have to read the complete source code. I found the document comments are not complete. Only directly look at the source code to get the complete information for development.
Here is an example of what you would get: (Incomplete PDF, link will expire in a week) Screenshot: Spoiler Are you sure this is what you want?
I generated a full PDF in case anyone wants it Download link Please consider the environment before trying to print this out.
How to get pmmp api documents? Reading pmmp source is the only effective way, no other choice.
@dktapps thanks, But the PocketMine-MP-doc reading experience is not very good, there is too much useless information, not suitable for human reading. The necessary information is not displayed directly, I need to click several times to see. Annotated documents are not complete, a lot of information still exists in the source code, not in the comments. So, the only way I found out was to read the source code. Including plugins and pmmp source.