I recently bought a plugin from ImagicalGamer and it worked fine till my server phar got updated and now this is what it says. [ServerVersion] [4:06 am] INFO> Enabling CustomEnchants v0.0.2-ALPHA 10.04 05:06:12 [Server] INFO [ServerVersion] [4:06 am] CRITICAL> Error: "Call to undefined method pocketmine\item\enchantment\Enchantment::registerEnchantment()" (EXCEPTION) in "/CustomEnchants_v0.0.2-ALPHA (2).phar/src/ImagicalGamer/CustomEnchants/CustomEnchants" at line 96 10.04 05:06:12 [Server] INFO [Server Version] [4:06 am] INFO> Disabling CustomEnchants v0.0.2
1) We can't provide help with a private plugin, because we don't know what code was used, and you can't share it. 2) If you have a problem with a plugin you got from a developer, contact the developer. He will know more about the issue than we will. 3) This issue occurs because that plugin only works with Tesseract, not PM. Nothing we can do will change that.
Like cory said, we cant help you unless we have access to the source code, this can only happen only if you share your code: which would just either violated the license, if there's any if there's no license/note dictating you are not allowed to share it, you would just be paying that plugin to get it released unless you dont mind releasing it, if it have no restriction on it it wouldnt be possible as for a hot fix would be not updating your phar, and afaik it was triggered bc your core removed the register enchantment function