is there a custom pocketmine syntax download? I wonder because I see when some people code and they do “PlayerIn” for example the PlayerInteractEvent comes up automatically. I want to know how I can do that so I can use functions and stuff much easier and fastee thanks.
if you are using an IDE, gitclone pmmp recursive inside your projects, or gitclone it elsewhere and add it as a library
Notepad++ is an advanced text editor, not an IDE. You will be surprised about what an actual IDE can do once you try it.
Honwstly, i was wondering if there was a custom syntax actual file, because I code on iPhone using Textastic and you cant do the IDE thing.
Because you don't have an IDE to autofill functions, the second best method you can use is to search for the API you are looking for in the doxygen ???
It doesn't do any type inferencing, does it? Then it could be mostly useless, since PocketMine has so many member functions to be predicted.